Losing Intimacies
Well then ... I have thought, meditated, and now I write some of my reflections. The speed of our lives, time consuming itself at every instant, insatiable, with a rush that makes me dizzy. We created a cycle that hardly makes us think, not letting us take care of ourselves. It seems that we have lost connection with our bodies, our cells and our own desire. We seem to know the other, the life of another, the needs of others, but how far do we know ourselves? When our inner voice is stronger, we feel afraid and run in search of another like an impatient patient desiring for their own path to be traced by that human mirror that have never before looked into our eyes nor realized the beauty hidden in our hearts. The other amazed by the unknown, he who also does not know himself, little he knows about us. Strangers trying to understand each other. The role comes as a salvation. Name, address, family, study.. this way we feel safe both the stranger and the unknown in us. What a pity that we can not expose our greatest sorrows, that we can not cry together about the unknown of our souls, by being distant from this powerful fiber causes this agonizing loneliness that leads to an inner bankruptcy, the bankruptcy of true dialogue with our cells. So we continue to be relentlessly consumed by time, so that everything can be stilled in us we promise ourselves, and most often not met, that the next day we will take appropriate action so that we can at least be in the present. Facing nature I hereby introduce myself, I and I, the other in me.
Initiation Journey
Pathway to Cure
Guidance: Shamans Alba Maria and Dhan Ribeiro
Period: 15th September until 03rd October 2012
Day 15 - Arrival in Lima, tranfers, free time, afternoon city tour; evening, sharing and introductions;
Day 16 - Trip to Cusco followed by a journey to Urubamba, hotel check in, resting petiod, lunch, after lunch brief talk on the schedule; dinner;
Day 17 – Breakfast; sweat lodge preparation and offering meditation to Pacha Mama with a local healer; late afternoon – first rite with the sacred medicine, Wachuma followed by fruits, juices and soup;
Day 18 – Breakfast, free time; afternoon visit to the beautiful artisans community of Willow; followed by sharing and dinner;
Day 19 – Breakfast; connection with Grandfather Fire leading to the second sacred rite with Wachuma;
Day 20 – 06:00 breathing practises and sharing; breakfast; afternoon visit to the colourful artisans community of Chinchero; dinner and free time;
Day 21 – Breakfast; early afternoon meet up with the local healer, Vitor Estrada; third rite with the sacred medicine, Wachuma; sweat lodge at dusk; dinner;
Day 22 – Breakfast, sharing, free time; afternoon water circuits at a local hotel; dinner;
Day 23 – Journey to Quillabamba (private transportation) at 03:00, arrival at 09:30; breakfast in a local family household; at 11:00 trip to the Jungle ( private transportation) followed by a trek arriving at roughly 16:00 where we setup our tents and give an offering to Pacha Mama on the flames of our Grandfather Fire; dinner;
Day 24 – Breakfast; 10:00 meet Liborio (plants guardian); fruits and juices, resting period; at dusk - first ritual with The Queen of the Forest, Ayahuasca;
Day 25 – 06:30 walk to the Mother of Waterfalls; preparing breakfast in group, jungle trek; fruits and juices; at dusk second rite with The Queen of the Forest, Ayahuasca;
Day 26 – Breakfast, return to Quillabamba; lunch and bath at a local balneary, farewells and return to Urubamba. Dinner on arrival;
Day 27- Breakfast; sharing; free day in Cusco;
Day 28 – Cusco – enjoy the beauty of this wonderful place;
Day 29 – Return Journeys Cusco/Lima/Brazil/ Other Countries.
Maximum Places Available: 20
Hosting ( changes may occur)
LIMA HOTEL Casa Andina www.casa-andina.com Fone : 51-01-2414050
Cusco Casa Andina Casa Andina San Blas Fone: 51-84-263694
Urubamba Rio Sagrado www.hotelriosagrado.com Telf.: 51 84 201736- 201706
- Sharings are the moments in which Alba Maria sits with the group and through her Inner Guidance, she clarifies each person's inner quests based on a spirituality view. Sharings, formerly known as satsangs, have been taking places for many years during Initiation Journeys, at Fundação Terra Mirim and other innumerable countries.
- This journey is not touristically aimed, therefore individuals that are not ready to dive in themselves and desire a merely festive program please seek other competent agencies.
- Alba Maria is not a tourist guide but a Shaman who has been dedicating herself for over 28 years to the nature of the planet and our intrinsic human nature.
- The above program may be changed according to unforeseen conditions such as climate, political situations, natural events (earthquakes, floods, etc), health issues and so forth.
Wachuma Rite

Shiva as Divine Destroyer:

It is the leaves that have dried in the summer and fallen in the autumn that provide the rich soil for Spring's blossoms. In order for there to be life, there has to be death. It is a cycle - creation, sustenance, dissolution. The nature of the universe changes on a minute to minute and moment to moment basis. The sky tonight may look identical to the sky of last night; however, any astronomer can point out innumerable differences. The more we are able to align our own nature with the nature of the universe the more our lives will be peaceful, rich, fulfilling, content and divinely joyful. The more rigid and unyielding we are, the more we hold on to our ideas of yesterday, our grudges of last week, our pain from last year, the more we will suffer and face obstacles.
Shiva as Mahadeva - the Swallower of the Poison
The stories and the messages of Bhagwan Shiva are innumerable; however, one of the most important is the story of how He - for the sake of humanity - swallowed the poison which emerged from the ocean. The story says that the Gods and their brothers, the Demons, were churning the ocean in search of the pot of the nectar of immortality. However, after a great deal of effort, what emerged was not nectar, but poison!! The Gods and demons knew that in order to continue churning, and ultimately to unearth the Divine nectar, they could not simply toss the poison aside. Someone had to drink it. But, naturally, no one was willing to drink the poison. Everyone had some excuse for why he or she was too valuable to be sacrificed. Finally, Bhagwan Shiva came forward and said "I will drink the poison if it will preserve peace and enable my brothers and sisters to attain the nectar of immortality."
However, if He swallowed the poison it would harm His internal organs and His physical body. If He spit it out, it would destroy the world. Thus, He kept it in His throat - hence the name Neelkanth (which means "blue throat") - and sat peacefully in meditation for eternity.
For you who reads me,

You, who is on the other side, reading me in this moment, I wish you well, a deep peace may immerse in you and that your eyes may be cleared to see all the beauty avalaible, your ears may hear the sound of the Goddess, your nose smell the fragrance of life, your mouth taste the flavors of love and your hands may dance on the feet of an eucalyptus tree being blown in the wind. My heart feels your love and whoever you are, there is a little space in me that is only yours. Remember whenever you need, that this Shaman even without knowing you personally is always with you. Always..
Harvest in Terra Mirim
For some time I have been meditating on the act of shopping in supermarkets. When I'm at one these chains, I watch people buying their products and the joy they feel at seeing their carts full of ingredients that will make their dreamed menu and I wonder: do they know where that food comes from? Will they remember that the egg comes from the chicken, the meat comes from a slaughtered animal? Do they know that each fruit is part of a network of plants that needs daily care and attention?Tips Of The Month:
Outcome of The Terra Mirim Forum: Indeed, we carried out our forum and I have to admit how surprised I was with such beauty and maturity the gathering showed. Each theme was discussed with incomparable plenitude and participation. Soon the results will shine on the new Terra Mirim logo,rhythm, colours and intensity of our shamanic rituals, The Four Elements Shamanism guided by our Mother Goddess. We are deeply thankful for all of you who positively vibrated for us, we thank you from our hearts for the energies emanated towards our direction.
Schedule Year of 2012
Day by day the dream takes shape, materializing itself in the act of living in connection with the Divine and all its forms and meaningfulness. The music touches hearts when the wind blows on the bamboo leaves, the river flows, at times indecisively, awaiting for the higher order before approaching the Ocean. This year, consciousness is the greatest aim and living in an assertive and free way are our ending points.
- Meditative Reading: Book - Shaman of Tibet (Milarepa's story) author: Wisdom Master Maticintim, Ed Kalango: Every Friday from 06:30 till 07:30
- The Terra Mirim Forum: 09th - 15th
- TMF Superintendence Meeting: Wednesdays, from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: book - The Four Elements Voice, Tales of a Shaman, author:Alba Maria, Ed Kalango; Every Saturday from 07:00 till 08:00
- Shamanic Meditation: Every Saturday from 06:00 till 07:00
- Shamanic Yoga: Every Monday and Thursday from 06:30 till 07:30
- Wachuma Rite: Saturday, 21st from 19:00 at Casa do Sol, Terra Mirim Foundation. Theme: Parallel Worlds.
- Female Group of Wisdom and Art: Monday, 16th from 14:00 till 16:30.
- Developing Social and Environmental Project: “Solidary Mirim”, tuesday the 14th
- Developing Social-Cultural Project: “ A Fair City”, 27th until the 29th
- TMF Superintendence Meeting – Wednesdays, from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: See above
- Shamanic Meditation: See above
- Shamanic Yoga: See above
- Ayahuasca Rite: Saturday, 11th in Aracaju
- Female Group of Wisdom and Art: Monday, 13th from 14:00 till 16:30.
- Developing Social and Environmental Project: “Solidary Mirim”, tuesdays the 06th and 20th
- Developing Social-Cultural Project: “ A Fair City”, on the 13th,15th,20th,22th,27th and 29th
- TMF Superintendence Meeting – Wednesdays, from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: See above
- Shamanic Meditation: See above
- Wachuma Rite: Saturday, 17st from 19:00 at Casa do Sol, Terra Mirim Foundation. Theme: Parallel Worlds II
- Shamanic Wedding: 04th – 10th
- Female Group of Wisdom and Art: Monday,12h from 14:00 till 16:30
- Shamanic Yoga: See above
- Developing Social and Environmental Project: “Solidary Mirim”, tuesdays 17th
- Developing Social-Cultural Project: “ A Fair City”, on the 03rd,05th,10th and 12th
- TMF Superintendence Meeting – Wednesdays, from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: See above
- Shamanic Meditation: See above
- Shamanic Yoga: See above
- Ayahuasca Rite: Saturday, 21st, Saint Francis Land, Simoes Filho
- Female Group of Wisdom and Art: Monday, 16h from 14:00 till 16:30.
- Developing Social and Environmental Project: “Solidary Mirim”, tuesdays 08th and 22sd
- TMF Superintendence Meeting – Wednesdays, from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: See above
- Shamanic Meditation: See above
- Wachuma Rite: Saturday, the 12st at Casa do Sol, Terra Mirim Foundation. Theme: Parallel Worlds III
- Female Group of Wisdom and Art: Monday, the 14h from 14:00 till 16:30.
- Developing Social and Environmental Project: “Solidary Mirim”, tuesdays 19th
- TMF Superintendence Meeting – Wednesdays, from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: See above
- Shamanic Meditation: See above
- Ayahuasca Rite: Saturday, 09th Saint Francis Land, Simoes Filho
- Female Group of Wisdom and Art: Monday, 18th from 14:00 till 16:30.
- Shamanic Journeys and Trails: Germany, 02nd - 26th
- Shamanic Journey: Austria, 28th - 29th
More info please contact: Isabel Minge
- Shamanic Trek: Finland, 01st - 04th
- Return to Brazil on the 06th
- Developing Social and Environmental Project: “Solidary Mirim”, tuesdays 04h and 11th
- TMF Superintendence Meeting – Wednesday, 05th and 12th from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: book - Shaman of Tibet (Milarepa's story) author: Wisdom Master Maticintim, Ed Kalango: Every Friday from 06:30 till 07:30
- Meditative Reading: book - The Four Elements Voice, Tales of a Shaman, author: Alba Maria, Ed Kalango; Every Saturday from 07:00 till 08:00
- Shamanic Meditation: Every Saturday, 1st from 06:00 till 07:00
- Wisdom and Art Group: Monday, 10th from 14:00 till 16:30
- Trip to Peru: Medicine Paths, 15th - 28th
- Developing Social and Environmental Project: “Solidary Mirim”, tuesdays 09th and 23rd
- TMF Superintendence Meeting – Wednesdays, from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: book - The Four Elements Voice, Tales of a Shaman, author:Alba Maria, Ed Kalango; Every Saturday from 07:00 till 08:00
- Shamanic Meditation: Every Saturday from 06:00 till 07:00
- Shamanic Yoga: Every Monday and Thursday from 06:30 till 07:30
- Wachuma Rite: Saturday, the 20th at Casa do Sol, Terra Mirim Foundation. Theme: Dreams
- Female Group of Wisdom and Art: Monday, 15th from 14:00 till 16:30.
- Developing Social and Environmental Project: “Solidary Mirim”, tuesdays 13th
- TMF Superintendence Meeting – Wednesdays, from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: book - The Four Elements Voice, Tales of a Shaman, author:Alba Maria, Ed Kalango; Every Saturday from 07:00 till 08:00
- Shamanic Meditation: Every Saturday from 06:00 till 07:00
- Shamanic Yoga: Every Monday and Thursday from 06:30 till 07:30
- Ayahuasca Rite: Saturday, 24th Saint Francis Land, Simoes Filho
- Female Group of Wisdom and Art: Monday, 12th from 14:00 till 16:30.
- Developing Social and Environmental Project: “Solidary Mirim”, tuesdays 11th and 18th
- TMF Superintendence Meeting – Wednesdays, from 09:00 till 11:30
- Meditative Reading: book - Shaman of Tibet (Milarepa's story) author: Wisdom Master Maticintim, Ed Kalango: Every Friday from 06:30 till 07:30
- Meditative Reading: book - The Four Elements Voice, Tales of a Shaman, author:Alba Maria, Ed Kalango; Every Saturday from 07:00 till 08:00
- Shamanic Meditation: See above
- Full Moon Rite: 09th Sunday
- Passage Rites: 26th - 31st
- Female Group of Wisdom and Art: Monday, 10th from 14:00 till 16:30.
Obs.: A more detailed schedule of the shamanic journeys and trails will soon be published at the Terra Mirim website.
Incredible Beauty in Each Grain
Viewed at a magnification of over 250 times real life, tiny grains of sand are shown to be delicate, colourful structures as unique as snowflakes.

Professor Gary Greenberg who has a PhD in biomedical research from University College London said: 'It is incredible to think when you are walking on the beach you are standing on these tiny treasures.
'Every time I look through my microscope I am fascinated by the complexity and individuality created by a combination of nature and the repeated tumbling of the surf on a beach.