The shamanism is a mythical state that is formed from the intensity of the act of devotion. Originated in the heart of men and women of the earth, this philosophy of life is an expression of deep love to the Mother Goddess – understood in its greatest expression here on the Earth as Nature. Creator Goddess whose music touches the heart when the wind plays in the leaves of bamboo, when the river flows and often hesitatingly, awaits the major order to approach to the Ocean. Since 26 years the Shaman Alba Maria carries out the rituals, walking and healing circles in a certainty that every such work brings us closer to the space between I and infinite.
Development of Social Projects:
“Griô Action”(revaluating local ancestors wisdom), “Communitarian Environmental Rights”, “Integrative Ecology” and strengthening governmental organisations of local people.
Meditative Lecture - a book “Shaman of Tibet” (History of Milarepa).
Author: Wisdom Master Maticintim; Publisher Kalango;on Mondays, from 14:00 until 15:00, on Fridays, from 07:30 until 08:30 and on Saturdays from 07:00 until 08:00Shamanic Meditation - on Saturdays, from 06:00 until 06:30
Shamanic Practices with Yoga - awakening body and mind: on Mondays and Fridays from 06:00 until 07:00
18th - Open conversation about immaterial heritage: Fire and Water. From 8:00 until 14:00 in Terra Mirim Foundation (TMF).
25th - Circle of Sharing from 18:30 until 19:30 in TMF. Please confirm: phone 71 33969810 or e-mail to
Shamanic Journeys and Trails with Xamam Alba Maria:
June 30th to July 14th - Estonia. Contact/Information:
16th to 20th - Island. Contact/Information:
July 25th to August 14th - Germany. Contact/Information:
Shamanic Journeys and Trails with Xamam Alba Maria:
17th to 21st - Italy. Contact/Information:
22nd to 25th - Paris
26th – probable return to Brazil
Shamanic Practices with Yoga - awakening body and mind: on Monday 31st, and on Friday 28th, from 06:00 until 07:00
Development of Social Projects:
“Griô Action”(revaluating local ancestors wisdom), “Communitarian Environmental Rights”, “Integrative Ecology” and strengthening governmental organisations of local people.
Meditative Lecture - a book “Shaman of Tibet” (History of Milarepa).
Author: Wisdom Master Maticintim; Publisher Kalango;on Mondays, from 14:00 until 15:00, on Fridays, from 07:30 until 08:30 and on Saturdays from 07:00 until 08:00Shamanic Meditation - on Saturdays, from 06:00 until 06:30
Shamanic Practices with Yoga - awakening body and mind: on Mondays and Fridays from 06:00 until 07:00
21st - Circle of Sharing from 18:30 until 19:30 in TMF. Please confirm: phone 71 33969810 or e-mail to
01st to 17th - Iniciatic Journey to Peru
Shamanic Practices with Yoga - awakening body and mind: on Mondays 19th and 26th on Fridays 23rd and 30th, from 06:00 until 07:00
20th - Circle of Sharing from 18:30 until 19:30 in TMF. Please confirm: phone 71 33969810 or e-mail to
Development of Social Projects:
“Griô Action”(revaluating local ancestors wisdom), “Communitarian Environmental Rights”, “Integrative Ecology” and

Meditative Lecture - a book “Shaman of Tibet” (History of Milarepa).
Author: Wisdom Master Maticintim; Publisher Kalango;on Mondays, from 14:00 until 15:00, on Fridays, from 07:30 until 08:30 and on Saturdays from 07:00 until 08:00
Shamanic Meditation on Saturdays, except 21st and 28th, from 06:00 until 06:30
Shamanic Practices with Yoga - awakening body and mind: on Mondays 02nd, 09th and Fridays 6th, 13th from 06:00 until 07:00
12th to 29th - Shamanic Journey II An invitation to all people that are willing to dive into their own greatness and fearlessly want to touch the core of their soul. The work is accomplished twice in a year and structured in 3 modules:
12th to 14th - Communitarian Life
16th to 21st - Trekking on the Dendé see cost
23rd to 29th - Silence, the Heart Song
Development of Social Projects:
“Griô Action”(revaluating local ancestors wisdom), “Communitarian Environmental Rights”, “Integrative Ecology” and strengthening governmental organisations of local people.
Meditative Lecture - a book “Shaman of Tibet” (History of Milarepa).
Author: Wisdom Master Maticintim; Publisher Kalango;on Mondays, from 14:00 until 15:00, on Fridays, from 07:30 until 08:30 and on Saturdays from 07:00 until 08:00Shamanic Meditation on Saturdays, from 06:00 until 06:30
Shamanic Practices with Yoga - awakening body and mind: on Mondays and Fridays from 06:00 until 07:00
15th - Circle of Sharing from 18:30 until 19:30 in TMF. Please confirm: phone 71 33969810 or e-mail to